Best part about college

Homecoming was epic!

Aaron, Sydney, Annika, Ben, Jessie, Jackie, myself, Caitlin

Halloween was even better!

Blockeee, Aaron, myself and Jared

We are some classy broads.

myself, Dani, Luke, Riley

Don't lie, I make those jorts look hawt

Annika and Tanner Dirt

Gutting a computer, no PhD required.

The many things you can do with a white (orange) board

Supersmash Bros like its the end of the world!

Dane, Tyler, Jimmy, Jared, and Jackie

Darn sasquatch trying to act civilized.

Worst things about college

The amount of homework is just do damn high!

This may or may not have been taken on Halloween, its classified.

Jared, Emily, Emily and Tanner Dirt

Breakfast of champions

Snow, nuff said

Dorm pranks, nothing better then duct tape to the face

Where I hope college takes me

Hopefully be able to go travel to where my family comes from (Norway)

Get my M3 running again!

Afford my life long love and passion

Be as succsesfull as Anchorman!

Finally figure out what exactly a Blugold is

going to college was the best idea i have ever had